And indeed, today I have mountains in my route again. Of those typical Asian, gigantic boulders with steep mountain walls and almost always completely overgrown. The further north I get, the greener and more varied it gets. It's beautiful to drive here.

For the first time I also see other tourists who ride the so-called Thakhek loop in 3 days on a scooter. A round trip of 450 km that starts in the city of Thakhek with many waterfalls, caves and other sights along the way.

The part that I drive is best known for the huge reservoir that has been constructed here. As a result, a large area of jungle was flooded and it is now called the Sunken Forest. Recognizable by the dead tree trunks that stick out of the water everywhere. Very strange.

My places to stay is a resort with all houses. On Booking 18 euros but I already suspected that it would be cheaper without a reservation because there are hardly any tourists. And yes, I have a deal for half, but then I have to pay extra for breakfast. Please!