At 6.30 am I get up because then dozens of hot air balloons fly over the limestone terraces and the village. Half an hour later I am at the entrance of the park, because that is where I have the best view. The balloons take off just behind the hills and land again behind the village, a flight of less than half an hour. When the sun's rays shine just over the hill, 15 hang in the sky in front of and above me. It looks really great and the customers, especially Asian, scream when some pilots descend so far that they even tap the water in the local park with the basket.

After breakfast I get on the bike and enter a destination in the navigation that I would like to see, but is too far to reach today. I'll see when I stop. It's great to be on the bike again and I enjoy the varied landscapes.

The infrastructure in the interior of Turkey is different than I expected. Most towns and cities are connected by major two-lane roads with relatively little traffic. The only difference with a highway are the traffic lights, tractors and turning traffic. You are allowed 110 km/h but I think 90 km/h is enough, especially because the right lane often has many traces of freight traffic. Usually there is almost no traffic and then the engine can be on cruise control so that I can give all my attention to the environment.
The other roads are either highways, which I never choose, or gravel roads as a connection between villages. The latter are the best, but I have a lot of miles to cover in Turkey and the latter takes too much time.

In Yalvaç I stop for coffee and Google for a hotel. The nearest is a few streets away and after a short negotiation about the price it is arranged.
This entry was posted in Azie, Turkije