
By ivo

On the way to Laos

I'm heading towards the border with Laos but it's too far to drive in one day. Accommodation options are few and far between in the north of Cambodia, but there is 1 hotel in Stung Treng that can be booked with Booking. From there it is only about 60 km to the only border post with…

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By ivo

The temples of Angkor Wat

The motorcycle ride to Siem Reap is 320 km according to Google Maps, but my Garmin navigation keeps choosing another route, which is still 150 km longer. That makes me a bit restless during the ride because if a road is indeed closed, it means it will be a very long day…

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By ivo

Choeung Ek Killing Fields

The more I learn about Cambodia's history, the more I feel for the people. For those who, like me, were not aware, briefly: From 1975 to 1979 there was a reign of terror here. Leader Pol Pot had the bright idea of getting Cambodia a…

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By ivo

Capital Phnom Penh

I am on my way to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. A considerable route of 300 km, mainly on motorway. However, a motorway here cannot be compared to Europe. There is a lot of work on the way today and then one direction of the dual carriageway will be closed and the other half will become a dual carriageway with oncoming…

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By ivo

Dark clouds on my way

After a beautiful route along the border with Thailand I arrive in Pailin, the city where I entered the country. I did not book a hotel because I saw in Google Maps that there are enough accommodation options in this area. The hotel where I first knock has a beautiful garden with a large swimming pool and…

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By ivo

Luxury in the middle of nowhere

A heat wave will push the temperature up to around 40 degrees this week. But I didn't come to Cambodia to lie by the pool all day, so I decide to travel light for a few days. I leave my motorcycle gear and some gear at the hotel and in jeans and a longsleeve…

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By ivo

The caves of Battambang

Near the city of Battambang, where I stay, I visit the bat cave and the cave of the dead. The bat cave can only be viewed from the outside as the opening in the rock is high above ground level. This, together with 2 other caves, is home to a million (!) bats that leave the caves every night at…

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By ivo

Border crossing Thailand Cambodia

I wake up early, probably the nerves anyway, because today I leave for the border crossing with Cambodia. At 8 am I am ready to leave but the rain is pouring down from the sky. Fortunately, a shower doesn't last long here, so fifteen minutes later I drive out of the coastal town. I have…

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