The 200 km to the south that I drive today are mainly on roads that I have already driven, but then from south to north. There is not much choice in this narrowest part of Thailand. Fortunately, the landscape is very different and just as beautiful from this side.
I have a house on the beach available for 2 nights, literally 20 meters from the water. A quick dip in the sea to cool off from the hot motorcycle ride, I thought. However, at almost 31 degrees, the water is so warm that it feels like warm bath water. A shower also does not bring the desired cooling because the tap for cold water is just as warm as the sea. Fortunately, the air conditioning does cool.

Just before dark I quickly drive to the Seven Eleven, a supermarket chain that can be found in every town or village here, for beer and breakfast.
Later that evening, on my balcony on the beach, I watch the full moon rise red from the sea and slowly climb up, turning white. The sea is almost as smooth as a mirror, there is no one to be seen for a long time and I stop thinking and walk into the warm water in the dark. The sea is so salty that I can float on my back and look at the stars without any problems. I think I've been floating around like this for over an hour and with wrinkled fingertips from the long stay in the water I walk back to my balcony.

This is another almost otherworldly experience that I will never forget. Very simple and yet so impressive.
While the Easter breakfast is being prepared in the Netherlands the next morning, I enjoy doing nothing and the sound of the sea, very idyllically, in the hammock on the deserted beach. No Easter for me, but I don't miss it at all.

What a beautiful experience, Ivo! Which countries do you want to visit during your trip?
Thank you Veronica. I am now in Melbourne, Australia. When I am back in Thailand I want to travel via the north to Laos and Cambodia. Then back to Malaysia via Thailand to ship my bike back home (mid July). Grs!