I'm going to celebrate New Year's Eve at Tourist Pension in Nawalghar, the place where I was so well taken care of when I was sick and where my packages would arrive. But things don't go quite as planned with the packages, unfortunately.

Due to an error at the credit card company, my new card was not sent until December 28th. It will probably only arrive between 10 and 20 January and that is too late. I have to be in Nepal no later than January 20, because my motorcycle will then be crated for the flight to Malaysia. I'm trying to stretch my stay in Nawalghar as long as possible, but if the credit card doesn't arrive before my departure, I'll have it sent back to NL so that my sons, who are coming to visit me in March, can take it to Thailand.
The valve cover won't come on either. The shipment was refused by customs because it contained half a liter of oil and because parts apparently cannot be sent to a home address in India. So that also goes in the suitcase with my sons. Fortunately, the emergency repair holds well and if necessary I can perform this repair 3 more times.
When I arrive at Tourist Pension after a long day of driving, I am warmly welcomed by the family and it feels nice to arrive at a familiar place. The turn of the year passes very quietly at a campfire in the courtyard of the guest house, where we enjoy a beer together. At the start of the new year, a single flare colors the cold night and we wish each other well and a good night. The next few days I do nothing but wait for the mail. Hopefully it's on time.

For 2023 I also wish you a year in which all your dreams come true and that you can enjoy lots of love, fun and happiness in good health!