The last day that we have to drive with police escort has arrived. We leave for Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan and for our group the end point, because from there we can travel alone. Changing the Levies goes very fast today, usually the next patrol is already waiting when we arrive and no more papers are checked and photos are taken.
Still, it doesn't make much progress because the roads are very bad. In many places, asphalt is being re-paved and then it is just about 20 kilometers of unpaved driving. We stop again on the way for lunch because we haven't seen breakfast for a week. The food is good and cheap and the Levies have no trouble waiting for us and enjoying their tea.
Also today a bit of rain so it's not too bad with the dust, but the engines are all dirty from the mud and dust. Also has something.
When we arrive in a suburb of Islamabad, the Levies turn at an intersection and signal that we must continue. We'll see where the next patrol car is… but it's not there… huh? We stop bewildered next to the busy road and only then realize that we are free!

After spending 6 long and exciting days and nights together, we suddenly find ourselves saying goodbye to each other along the road. Everyone goes their own way and searches on the internet for a place to spend the night because it is already getting dark. The German couple and I decide to drive to the same hotel. It is a small and simple hotel in a quiet area where we can safely park the motorcycle in the private courtyard. In the evening we walk past the shops and many food stalls and have dinner together. We still have to get used to our new freedom, but it tastes good again.

What great adventures you have Ivo. Occasionally in company (compulsory and/or sometimes also visited). Good to see you're doing well. Enjoy!
Thank you for your message Sandra! It is indeed a dream come true and every day is wonderful. Can't believe what's going on. Work them! 😀