I must mention it separately. As of today I am officially in Asia! A small part of Turkey is in Europe and the largest part in Asia. The imaginary border is formed by the river that connects the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea. This is, among other things, the sailing route of the grain ships from Ukraine to the rest of the world.

In the north of Turkey, the border between Europe and Asia is located in the city of Istanbul and further south in the town of Lapseki, via the '1915 Çanakkale Bridge'. The name Çanakkale was chosen for this bridge because in that town, a bit further south, a ferry service always fulfilled this connection (and still). So in both places, they are bridges that connect Europe with Asia.
The 1915 Çanakkale Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world and only opened in March '22. The towers are a whopping 318 meters high (90 meters higher than the Golden Gate Bridge) and the span between the towers is a whopping 2023 meters.