After having experienced the most beautiful month of my life with my sons, the farewell is fortunately not too hard for me. I like to travel alone and I rarely feel lonely because I regularly meet people.
The same applies if I move to another, cheaper, hotel in Bangkok. Andreas from Austria has seen my motorcycle and we start talking about motorcycles and traveling. We agree to have dinner together and then we talk for a long time while enjoying a few beers.
However, I don't make it late because the next morning I want to be at the immigration office early to extend my visa. That office is 19 km away in Bangkok and the red colors in the Googlemaps route do not bode well.
And that prediction is correct. It takes me 50 minutes by motorbike to get there. Fortunately, however, it is not busy at the immigration office. I thought I was well prepared by filling in and printing the necessary papers at the hotel, but that is not accepted and I can fill in everything again with a pen. I also brought proof of residence from my hotel, but they require the hotel to complete this online in an appropriate form. However, that does not work because the concierge of the hotel lacks the knowledge for this. Fortunately, I can also submit a new hotel booking, so a little later I can have a confirmation printed from the cheapest hostel in Bangkok: €4.50 for one night! Which I also cancel later. Four hours later I am outside with a 30 day visa in my passport. I can go ahead again!

The next day I leave in (mandatory) long pants to the Grand Palace of Bangkok. What splendor and splendor! I can keep taking pictures and then I still can't imagine it. The palace is located in the historic heart of Bangkok. Within the 2 km long white walls of the complex is also the important temple Wat Phra Kaew. Everything has been restored and taken care of down to the last detail.

Fortunately, the expensive entrance ticket (€15 and Thais can enter for free) includes a theater performance, further on in the municipal theatre. It is also very worth it. It is incomprehensible how the dancers can bend their hands and fingers back much more than 90 degrees during the beautiful, but therefore strange-looking, hand movements.

Almost as impressive is my walk back to the hotel. Almost every street, every shop is worth a picture. There is so much to see in Bangkok.