The landscape is a bit different now that I drive south. More palm trees and more small mountains that stick out of the landscape like beautiful bumps. My destination is Donsak, the place from where the ferry to the island of Koh Pangang departs.
A few kilometers before the pier are many so-called resorts. Groups of small houses or bungalows that are also often used by the Thai themselves to spend the night. Usually they are slightly cheaper than a hotel or guesthouse. For 500 bath (€13) I have a brand new house at my disposal. Everywhere in Asia you will find small restaurants along the street, so even now it is no problem to find a nice Thai dinner.

The next morning I only have to drive a few kilometers to the pier where the ferry departs. I booked the crossing online and it was quickly arranged at the ticket counter. After half an hour of waiting, all cars and motorcycles roll on board and the mooring lines are released under a cloud of black diesel smoke.

2.5 hours later we dock on an island that is bigger than I thought. About 10 by 10 kilometers, good roads and lots of shops, restaurants, hotels and beaches. I have booked 4 nights and am going to take it easy.