The nights and mornings in Wald in Pinzgau are cold. Luckily I have a warm sleeping bag, but I don't like making breakfast outside with 10 degrees. So off to the Balkans.

I have selected a route that crosses the border between Austria and Italy off-road. The way there is to enjoy the beautiful roads and the wonderful view. When I plan a route for the next day I try to avoid tolls and highways, but now I can't escape it. Since I have already driven the Grossglockner Hochalpstrasse several times, I choose the tunnel after Lienz. Boring, but there's no other way.

Fully loaded my bike weighs 300 kg. Still exciting to drive the unpaved road to Italy. But it is going well. The way up is very steep and consists of frozen gravel. Arriving at the top of the mountain hut I am proud that I succeeded with the motorcycle. Here I also pass the Italian-Slovenian border. The way down was more difficult. Even steeper and large loose stones. That also ends well.

Arrived in Slovenia, at the campsite of my choice it turned out to be full. The area is very popular with outdoor sports enthusiasts. The second and third campsite were also unsuccessful. I decide to drive a bit inland, away from the tourist area and I am immediately successful. A nice campsite with a casual atmosphere where I can finally work on my website.