Rain is forecast for Croatia for the morning, so I want to leave early. I packed most of it last night so that it could go dry in the bag and by skipping homemade breakfast and coffee I can already leave at 8.00.
The road along the coast is beautiful but as the morning progresses the weather deteriorates. The rain remains, except for a small shower, but the wind increases to gale force and it is very stuffy. Even the coffee I use at a restaurant on the road is blown out of the cup! Fortunately, when I turn away from the coast and head inland, the weather quickly improves.
On my way to Bosnia and Herzegovina I have to cross a mountain pass and since I don't drive on highways it becomes off-road. I hadn't counted on that, but it turns out to be a beautiful road. A big challenge too because it takes me hours and it is tiring to stand on the bike for so long, for a better balance.

Towards the end of the total journey of about 300 km it turns out to be a 'green' border crossing. But after again very challenging gravel roads I come to a closed barrier. Unmanned, secured by a camera and no way to get past. That means turning around. Only 8 km away from my final destination, this means a 120 km detour. I don't have the energy for that, so I'll have to find another final destination.
60 Kilometers further I pass the border from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina on tarmac roads without any problems and I visit the first campsite I see. A simple little site on the river Una. The water in the river is so clear that you can easily see meters deep.