The rain taps softly on the tent when I wake up and that doesn't really cheer me up. That means improvising with my breakfast and packing all camping gear wet. Inside the tent everything has remained dry, which I am somewhat surprised after such a long period of rain.

After my breakfast under the roof of the washing area I pack everything and leave in the direction of Sarajevo. It is still drizzly, foggy and with 16 degrees also fresh. Too bad because the landscape I drive through is beautiful and would look much better with a little sun. The roads are long and there is little traffic. Along the way I even come across a sign saying beware of bears but I forget to take a picture of it.
For the evening I marked a hostel and a campsite in GoogleMaps and I let it depend on the weather what it will be. That will be the hostel, because I don't feel like crawling into a wet tent and I might be able to dry some stuff in the hostel.

After a big mountain pass with good roads, the asphalt suddenly ends and turns into a coarse gravel road. Not ideal with this wet weather so I look for detours, but alas. All alternatives end somewhere on the mountain. Driving back means hours of wasted time. Not that I don't have time, but I want to have a place to sleep well before dark. Inquiry with a local resident brings clarification because the gravel road appears to be suitable for passenger cars. Well then I can for sure and I'll take my chances.
It is indeed easy to do and after about 15 kilometers I reach the asphalt road again, which brings me to my destination after a while.

However, the hostel cannot be found and after asking several times, the neighbor shows me her neighboring house under construction. The door is open so I definitely have a place to sleep. After our telephone contact, the owner is quickly on site and we charge € 15 for 1 night. Fortunately, everything looks neat, clean and new on the inside. And after 2 weeks of camping, enjoy this wonderful luxury.

Very nice item. I certainly appreciate this site. keep it up!