There is a lot of smoke in the air and on the way we pass many blackened fields and roadsides, but a little later also a fire. The smoke is so thick that we can't see each other driving for a while and immediately stings our eyes.
On our route there is an elephant farm that we will of course visit. But unfortunately everything is abandoned and it turns out that it is no longer open after COVID. When we walk to the nearby river, Rik sees a wild elephant in the distance, enjoying a sand bath. I immediately go get the drone to film that, but when I come back the elephant has run into the bushes again.

The last part of our route today is beautiful again, although we have a lot of trouble finding the AirBnB bungalow booked by Pim. Not surprising in the end because the location on Googlemaps turns out to be wrong and with the Thai directions in the form of a treasure map, which we received from the owner, it doesn't work either. Fortunately, after a phone call, they are kind enough to pick us up at a temple that turns out to be only a few hundred meters next to it. Tonight we still sleep peacefully between the rice fields in the countryside.