At 12:00 I have to return my rental car at Melbourne airport and when I put the destination in the navigation, that is exactly the time of arrival. Oops, I thought it would be less driving and will have to complete the route without a break.
Exactly at the indicated time I drive onto the car rental site, but I realize that I forgot to fill up due to the time pressure. I immediately change my mind and drive on to the nearest gas station. The lump sum upon return is €90, but I have half the tank full again and fifteen minutes later I still return the car. Everthing allright.
I use the waiting time at the airport to do my tax return and when I'm one of the last to board the plane, I'm surprised how empty it is. More than 200 of the 300 seats remain empty. Most passengers make good use of it by stretching out on the empty rows to sleep during the 9-hour flight.

The customs officer in Bangkok frowns when she sees 2 visa stamps from Thailand and asks for my exit ticket. When I explain to her that I am on my way to Cambodia and I don't know how long I will be in Thailand, more questions follow. After some doubt, to my relief, she puts another stamp for 30 days stay.
My motorcycle is still sadly waiting in the same place at the hotel where I left it 14 days ago. In a few days I'll be grinning at it again.