In my hotel room I can look out through the cracks in the window and door frames. It was 1 degree last night, but my sleeping bag and the blankets from the hotel kept me nice and warm.

In the clear blue sky the radiant sun is already challenging me to get up, but the cold hotel room is not very inviting. I immediately change into my motorcycle gear so that I can leave immediately after breakfast.
When I want to sit in the breakfast room full of expectation, there appears to be nothing. The staff walks around in winter coats and blankets. Strange that a hotel in these annually recurring circumstances is not equipped for cold. I'm okay with leaving without breakfast, but they ask what I want and it is brought to my room a little later. When checking out, they also expect me to pay for breakfast, but due to my obvious surprise, fortunately they withdraw that immediately.

I am a bit apprehensive about the way back down because the road is really bad and in damp places very slippery due to clay-like mud. The latter is especially difficult because the engine is then uncontrollable and can slide out from under me. So fingers away from the front brake and ABS on. In any case, it is a nice feeling to know that the road is regularly driven by jeeps, so help is never far away. Fortunately that is not necessary because the descent goes very smoothly and is a good way to warm up.

Arriving at the bottom I hesitate for a while to drive further into Kashmir but the lovely warm sun beckons me to the south and I decide to tour back to Islamabad at my leisure. Along the way I come across a McDonalds for the first time in months and when I stop there for a break I am approached by a group of friends who are touring on their motorcycle. Of course we exchange photos and contact details, after which they continue on their way.

After a lovely ride, with some delays due to road works, I arrive back at the hotel where I left the previous day just before sunset. With heating, although it is not needed here yet.