My alarm goes off at 05:15 the next morning and 45 minutes later, after a cold tuk-tuk ride, I'm at the station. Strange, my train number is not on the departure board and I have learned that my train is more than 4 hours late! Well then, I got up so early for nothing.
It is only a few degrees above zero and everywhere people are sitting and lying under blankets waiting and sleeping. I sneak into the 1st class waiting room, it's warmer there. When the train finally arrives, almost 5 hours late, I can finally warm up my numb body because it is already very busy in the carriage. In India you reserve a seat on the train by name and it is strange that someone is already sleeping on my sofa bed. A few minutes later the conductor comes and asks me for my reserved place and it turns out that there is a fare dodger in my place. He tries to push some more money, but the conductor, fortunately, resolutely puts him out of the train.

A few stops and hours later we enter a very busy station and my fellow passengers and I look at each other anxiously. A little later, the windows are pushed open from outside and people, especially young people, crawl in through the windows everywhere. The train is immediately fully loaded, no more chicken can be added. Fortunately, a good hour later, many people get out again. Finally, air!

When the train arrives in Sikar, I still have to take the bus to Nawalghar for half an hour, but all buses appear to be fully booked. Fortunately I meet more people who want to go to Nawalghar and they decide to order a 'taxi'. This extended jeep with benches in the back is suitable for 9 people, but when we leave there are 12 customers in the jeep and 2 are standing on the back of the bumper. We are like sardines in a can, but after a bumpy ride we arrive safely. Fortunately, Rajesh is already waiting for me at the rest stop and after a delicious hot meal I fall into bed exhausted.