Fortunately, none of my party suffers from a hangover after three days of partying, because we leave early. While the rental cars are picked up, the rest packs their bags and the airBnB house is neatly cleaned up.
It takes the drivers some time to get used to driving on the left, but after a safe drive on motorways we reach Grampians National Park late in the afternoon. The roads change into narrow winding mountain roads and with melancholy I think of my motorcycle that I left behind in Bangkok.
The last 15 km we drive on a passable gravel road with only a few houses. We open the gate of the house where we are staying and drive through the meadow to it. Wild walibis and kangaroos are grazing to the left and right, only hopping away when we drive past by car. Our house is on top of a hill and the view is phenomenal. As far as I can see I see woods and meadows with herds of walibis and sheep.

After the beautiful sunset it cools down considerably, but the wood stove inside keeps us warm. The house has sleeping places for the 4 couples in our party, but I have the best place: on my own air mattress in front of the wood stove.
The next day we visit Halls Gap. After a long walk, which I will certainly feel in my legs, along rock formations and through a large gorge, we arrive at an amazing viewpoint.
In the afternoon we visit the McKenzie falls, discovered in 1835 and named after the friend of the discoverer because the name the aborigines had for it was too difficult for them, according to the information tablet.