Tag: malysia

By ivo

What a year

I'm on my way home and I should be happy, but I'm not. I even feel a little sad. Sad that this most beautiful and special year in my life is over. Of course I am happy to hold my loved ones in my arms, but I also have the…

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By ivo


The planes departing from Kuala Lumpur fly over the neighborhood where my hotel is. Just after midnight I seem to hear that the cargo plane my motorcycle is in is taking off. In the morning I see on my phone that my tagged motorcycle is on the stopover in Qatar, so that's going well. Around noon…

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By ivo

Colorful Melaka

I am in Malacca, a colorful art city in southwest Malaysia. This Unesco world heritage city was an important trading center during the Dutch colonial period and that is still clearly visible. The red square in the middle of the city even owes its color to imported Dutch bricks. Along the river and in the…

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By ivo

The Perhentian Islands

The Perhentians consists of a number of islands of which only two are inhabited, Small Island and Big Island. On both islands there are only resorts, some diving clubs and jungle. There are no roads but you can get everywhere by water taxi and some beaches are connected by a jungle path. I would like…

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