When we leave Cha-am I am less cheerful than usual because today is the last day that I ride through Thailand on a motorcycle with Pim and Rik. We go to Bangkok to return the bikes and after that we are only together for 2 more days.
On the boring 2 lane highway the kilometers tick away quickly, but as soon as we drive into Bangkok the average speed drops drastically. Driving slowly and standing still in traffic jams and at traffic lights means that every inch of my body is wet with sweat. Which will cool down nicely when we can drive on again.
The Honda CRFs have endured the 3160 km we drove through Thailand with flying colours. I was surprised that the studded tires could even handle inclines of 45 degrees. The landlord is impressed by the trip we have made and after a short inspection of the motorcycles, he arranges a taxi to take Pim and Rik to the hotel. I get back on the bike and this time I don't have to navigate and I drive relaxed after the taxi.
The 15 km through the city takes us almost an hour. Usually in full sun and then the shadow of buildings is a relief because it is 'only' 36 degrees there. Almost arriving at the hotel, the taxi stops at an alley that it cannot drive through. I can just pass through it with the motorcycle, but then people have to get up a few times and pans are put aside in the outdoor kitchens.
When I got to the hotel I can wring out everything I'm wearing. The first thing I do is take a shower and then immediately jump into the pool to cool off. After we have eaten in one of the many restaurants, Pim and Rik show me Khao San. The nightlife center of Bangkok, where several scenes of the movie Hangover were filmed. Fittingly, I had a huge hangover well into the next morning.

Nice that we met a Dutchman in the pool again 🔝👍 someone from Limburg on a motorcycle 🏍️ great. Heard his stories in the pool 🔝👍🌞 tomorrow you will continue Thailand through nature park etc etc. Have a good trip tomorrow and enjoy
Warm regards from Aart Versteeg
Swimming pool this morning in Hua Hin
Hello Art,
Thank you for your message. It was nice meeting you and grabbing a beer together after cooling off in the pool! Have fun on your annual return to Thailand and who knows see you soon! Regards, Ivo.